CHANTS to HEAL LOWER CHAKRAS ? Boost Physical Wellbeing & Raise Positive Energy Vibrations【ひろめでぃあ Yo uTube(8月 9日 7時 22分)with Google Translate】


CHANTS to HEAL LOWER CHAKRAS ? Boost Physical Wellbeing & Raise Positive Energy Vibrations
   (2019-08-09 07:03:39)  >>>>記事へのLINK>>

HEAL ALL 7 CHAKRAS | Chakra Healing Meditation Music | Root Chakra to Crown Chakra[LiveStream]    (2019-08-04 12:30:09)  >>>>記事へのLINK>>

AKASHIC RECORDS ? 417Hz ? Wipe Out All Negativity, Stop Negative Emotions
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AKASHIC RECORDS ? 852Hz ? Overcome Fear and Let Go of Overthinking, Worrying
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OPEN CROWN CHAKRA ? AWAKEN KUNDALINI ? Seed Mantra AH Chanting Meditation Music
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CHANTS TO OPEN THIRD EYE CHAKRA ? Seed Mantra OM Chanting Meditation Music
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(8月 9日 7時 22分 fromひろめでぃあ YouTube)